Friday, January 27, 2012

About caring for the environment

I think in our society in generally, and in our city especially, people don’t have an eco-mind, because they are not very aware about the planet dangerous situation. One of the things that doesn’t help is the inexistence of spaces for recycling in the streets or in people’s usual places, for example. Another one, is that the information that people has of this environmentally practices is very poor, because thay can know it only when they’re interested, searching on internet or things like that. However, in the last time I think people is taking awareness and there are increasing the instances of recycling and caring for the environment.
In my home we used to recycle the things we can, like plastic bottles and bags, paper and glasses. Apart from that, I always try to use the old things for new uses, and when some thing breaks, I try to fix it the most possible before buying a new one. Those are some things that I used to do for reducing my carbon footprint, adittion to turn on the lights only when is really necesary, and don’t waste water needlesly.
Another things I think are very bad for the enviroment, are the cars. For that reason, I transported myself walking each time I can, but the problem is that I live a little far than almost everything, so many times I have to go by bus or car. Although I agree with the idea of caring about the planet, I’ve never been in a green organisation, I think because this is not one of my priorities and beeing in one of them demands a lot of time.


  1. keep doing it like that! try to learn every day something new to care of our loved planet

    and be nicer with the flowers and butterfly
    you still have too hate in your soul to be a good person with the earth

    love your picture :')

  2. I'm agree with you Trini, I think you have a good perception of the problem
